Constitution of the International Flight Procedure Design and Validation Association (IFPDAVA)
Art. 1 Name
Under the name
International Flight Procedure Design and Validation Association (IFPDAVA)
exists an Association according to Art. 60 ff. ZGB Switzerland.
Art. 2 Headquarters
The Headquarters of the Association is located under the following address:
Opfikonerstrasse 26, 8303 Bassersdorf
Art. 3 Objective
The association is an international non-profit organisation and supports the interaction and networking of international experts in the domain of Flight Procedure Design and Validation. Furthermore the association seeks for recognition as an international industry organisation by the International Civil Aviation Organisation ICAO in order to be able to support and nominate members to technical expert groups within ICAO.
Art. 4 Membership
Membership Categories are:
Individual Member (50€ per year). This membership can be invoiced to the individual or to the employer.
Corporate/Authority Membership Iridium: 200€ per year. Allows to nominate up to 5 individuals as members. The use of the logo on websites and communications is approved.
Corporate/Authority Membership Gold: 350€ per year. Allows to nominate up to 10 individuals as members. The use of the logo on websites and communications is approved.
Corporate/Authority Membership Rhodium: 450€ per year. Allows to nominate up to 15 individuals as members. The use of the logo on websites and communications is approved.
Corporate/Authority Membership Palladium: 550€ per year. Allows to nominate up to 20 individuals as members. The use of the logo on websites and communications is approved.
Multiple corporate memberships for the same organisation are not possible except for cases where more than 20 members are to be nominated as members.
The Membership becomes formal with the membership declaration and the payment of the membership fee. Members have the right to vote. The Executive Board decides about accepting or declining members.
Art. 5 General Assembly
The highest body of the association is the General Assembly. It is consisted of all Members of the association. The general assembly takes place in conjunction with the IFP Conference, normally held in the first trimester of the calendar year. The date has to be communicated with at least a two month notice.
Agenda items can be submitted to the Executive Board no later than four weeks before the Assembly.
The General Assembly elects the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, the other Members of the Executive Board for at term of five years and two Account Revisors for a term of one year.
The General Assembly nominates Members to Expert Groups such as ICAO Panels for an infinite term. Such memberships can be revoked by the General Assembly with a three-fourth majority.
The General Assembly approves the yearly report, the yearly accounts and the report of the Account Revisors, agrees on discharges, and decides about requests from the members or the Executive Board.
The General Assembly can take decisions when at least 10 (ten) Members are present. Decisions require the majority of votes of the present Members except for those decisions/nominations specified in these ToR.
Agenda Items that were not announced within the timeframe indicated above need to be approved by the General Assembly first.
An extraordinary General Assembly can be initiated with a month's notice minimum, as soon as requested by two-fifth of the Members or the whole Executive Board. The Members will be invited by email indicating the agenda items.
Art. 6 Executive Board
The Executive Board consists of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Accountant and Rapporteurs of the Flight Procedure Design, the Flight Validation and the ATM Working Groups.
The Executive Board represents the association and takes care of the daily operation. The Board convenes as required, decides about the business plan and the yearly budget.
The Executive Board can establish permanent or temporary Working Groups or Task Forces, who constitute themselves and are reporting to the Executive Board.
The Executive board can take decisions when the majority of its Members are present.
Art. 7 Account Revisors
The account revisors review the accounts provided by the accountant and report to the General Assembly. They must not be Members of the Executive Board.
Art. 8 Finances
The association finances itself mainly through membership fees. Apart from that the association is entitled to accept any type of sponsorship or can establish a business to provide financing of the association operation.
The association is non-profit and uses it's finances exclusively for the operation of the association itself as well as to support the Members in their international duties.
Art. 9 Fiscal Year
The Fiscal Year equals to the calendar year.
Art. 10 Authorized Signatures
The association requires three collective signatures, of which one must be the Chairperson's or the Vice-Chairperson's and the others from the Executive Board Members.
For banking purposes, the Chairperson as well as the Accountant are entitled to sign with their single signature.
Art. 11 Liability
The responsibility of the association is limited to the association's assets and to the exclusion of any personal liability of members.
Art. 12 Changes of ToR
Changes to the ToR are approved by the General Assembly and require a two-third majority of votes present.
Art. 13 Dissolution
The dissolution of the association may be resolved by the General Assembly with a two-third majority of votes present.
Upon dissolution the equity shall transfer in full to the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO with headquarters in Montreal.
Art. 14 Final Provisions
Other than the above, Swiss Law Art. 60 ff. ZGB remains applicable.
Art. 15 Entry into Force
This Constitution enters into force with the founding Assembly of the IFPDAVA.
Zug, 4. October 2018
Beat Zimmermann
Robert Bukovics
Changes approved by the General Assembly Amsterdam September 15, 2022